Three American Folk Songs in Middle C - Elementary Piano Sheet Music These 3 pieces are all in Middle C position for beginning students. Teacher's parts are included for fun at the lesson or to make the pieces stand out in recital performances.
Once Upon a Time - Elementary Piano Sheet Music Written in middle C position with a Teacher's Part included, this beginning piece is great for a young student's first recital.
The Fire Truck - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece has lots of movement for the beginning student. Most of it stays in middle C position, moving out occasionally to make a "siren" effect.
Sweet Hour of Prayer - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This familiar hymn has been arranged as a duet. The primo is on a beginner's level and the secondo is intermediate-- for teacher, parent, or older sibling.
At the Ball Game - Primer Piano Sheet Music Middle C hand position is the pattern for this fun, pre-reading piece. Both hands go an octave higher when played with the teacher's part.
Forest Green - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music The beautiful melody of this piece is taken from an English folk song. It is written in G Major 5-finger pattern for the level two student and can be played as a solo or with the teacher's part added.
The Easter Bunny Hop - Primer Piano Sheet Music This fun piece with an Easter theme is written in middle C position for young students to play.