Be Thou My Vision - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music The melody of this piano solo is taken from an Irish Hymn Tune. Its simple, reverent setting makes it perfect for church meetings, offertories, preludes, and special musical numbers.
Scherzo - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This playful piece in 4/4 time begins in C Major 5-finger pattern, then moves out slightly from that pattern as the piece progresses. Careful attention to fingering is necessary to make the changes work smoothly.
Happy Birthday Song - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music For students on this level who want to learn "Happy Birthday to You", this arrangement in F Major is "just the key".
Sidewalk Carnival - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Expect a lot of hand changes in this piece, especially in the right hand. The left hand starts with a dotted quarter to eighth note rhythm, giving it a casual beat in the bass. Even with these challenges, it is a piece that students can easily learn, especially with some hands separate practice.
Yankee Doodle - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music A fun piece of Americana for the level 2-3 student, "Yankee Doodle" is written in the Key of G Major and is in 4/4 time. Two verses with words are given for singing along.
Wild Horse Canyon - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This fast piece in cut time is written in the key of E Minor. The easy right hand patterns create intense movement, evoking the image of wild horses galloping through a canyon.
We Three Kings - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Set in the key of d minor and modulating to the relative key of F Major, this classic Christmas piece, written by the Reverend John Henry Hopkins Jr. (1820-1891), has been arranged for a level 3 student to play. The words, which were also written by Hopkins, are also included.