At the End of the Rainbow - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music At the End of the Rainbow piano sheet music.
Dragonfly - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Written entirely in the G Minor hand position, this piece is a favorite with students on a level 1b-2a level. For special effects, the damper pedal is used and both hands play 8va throughout the piece.
Aeolian Harp Strings - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece is written in the Aeolian mode beginning on A, giving it a mysterious, ancient sound.
Dolphin Fun - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece is written in Middle C position for the beginning student. It is a fun "extra" piece to give young students who are on this level.
Butterfly Wings - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This late-elementary solo is written in an A Major 5-finger pattern, with the left hand moving an octave lower twice throughout the piece and then back. The pedal is used, but is kept very simple.
Snail Race - Primer Piano Sheet Music This piece is on a pre-reading level. Made up entirely of dotted half notes, it allows young students on this level to play the notes slow and connected.
Bubble Gum - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This bouncy piece has lots of movement in the left hand and lots of staccatos. It begins in C Major hand position and extends stepwise in both hands.