Once Upon a Time - Elementary Piano Sheet Music Written in middle C position with a Teacher's Part included, this beginning piece is great for a young student's first recital.
On the Ferris Wheel - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece is written in Middle C position for the beginning student. It has some cross-over notes that go up to Treble C then down to Bass C, imitating the swing of the ferris wheel.
Olympic Ceremony - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This beginning piece in 4/4 time is mostly in Middle C hand position. It includes a teacher's part which adds to the rhythmic element of this ceremonial style march.
My Kitten - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This playful piece for a beginning student is in middle C hand position. It has some staccato and legato markings to show when the kitten is jumping, running, and falling asleep.
Music Box Waltz - Elementary Piano Sheet Music For beginning students familiar with Middle C Position, this piece is the perfect recital number when played with the teacher's part (adding moral support as well as musical appeal) for that first important event.
Lemonade - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This is a fun supplementary piece for beginning students to play as part of their summer repertoire. It is written in Middle C hand position and uses some flats in the left hand.
Jingle Bells in Middle C - Elementary Piano Sheet Music Christmas piece arranged for beginning students to play and enjoy over the holidays.