The Cupcake Cakewalk - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This lively piece is taken from a ragtime style of music called the cakewalk. It alternates between minor and major "A" hand positions.
The Crystal Cave - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Beginning in a low G minor position then modulating to G Major in the middle, this piece has a lot of contrast and interest for students. The right hand moves from G positions up to a high C and then back again. Careful attention to fingering allows students to pass between these sections freely.
Song of the Harvest Dance - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece is based on a Native American chant that celebrates a feast day. It is written in the key of e minor.
Sonatine for Halloween - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in sonatina form, this seasonal piece in three movements is perfect for a Halloween recital.
Sledding - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This is an easy piece to learn and a fun piece to play. It's definitely one of those "student saver" pieces that helps keep young students interested as they learn to play the piano.
Silent Snow - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music As the title suggests, this is a quiet, gently moving seasonal piece that makes use of left hand triads. It is an ideal piece for older students and adults who are on this level.
Shepherd's Hey (Piano Duet) - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This lively duet is taken from a traditional English folk dance. Both parts are in D Major 5-finger pattern.