Ducks in a Line - Primer Piano Sheet Music This pre-reading piece is in 3/4 time. It has a teacher's accompaniment that will help students stay in rhythm when counting out the dotted half notes.
The Rainbow - Primer Piano Sheet Music This pre-reading piece is written in C Major hand position. The notes move in either skips or steps, and are to be played in a legato style.
Snail Race - Primer Piano Sheet Music This piece is on a pre-reading level. Made up entirely of dotted half notes, it allows young students on this level to play the notes slow and connected.
Balloons - Primer Piano Sheet Music This is a very easy pre-reading piece, using only three fingers with the left hand, and two with the right. It is played on the black keys.
My First Day of School - Primer Piano Sheet Music This pre-reading piece is in Middle C position. The first note begins on an A ("A" is for Apple), giving it a minor sound at the start, but modulating at the end of each phrase to a happier, C Major sound. This is a great piece to give young students who are just starting school for the first time.
Four Lady Bugs - Primer Piano Sheet Music This pre-reading piece is for the right hand only. Primer students will have fun playing all four verses and singing along.
Chirp - Primer Piano Sheet Music Written in Middle C position, this pre-reading piece is in 3/4 time and uses quarter rests.