Happy Birthday Song - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This familiar "Happy Birthday" song is written in the key of A Major for students to play for those special birthday occasions.
Frère Jacques - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Based on the melody of a French folk song, this late-intermediate arrangement turns a simple motive into a sophisticated and beautiful piano piece that students (as well as teachers) will love to play.
Impromptu Magic - Advanced Piano Sheet Music This "magical" suite can be performed as one piece or as three separate pieces. It begins with a fast, furious tempo that changes to a delicate middle part and then ends with some playfulness. Advanced students will love adding it to their repertoire.
Witches Flight - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in the Key of F Minor, this piece is in 6/8 time. Heavily accented octaves and sixths contrast with lighter, legato passages, evoking the feel of the Witches menacing flight.
The Star Spangled Banner Piano Sheet Music - Late Intermediate America's national anthem has been arranged in a solemn setting in this piano solo written for the late intermediate student.
Something Like a Star Piano Sheet Music - Late Intermediate This piece begins in 9/8 time, with lots of arpeggios intertwining around a melodic line. It later "slows" to a 3/4 meter, becoming more lyrical before returning to 9/8 to end. It's a great etude for students on this level who want to use their arpeggio skills in a creative setting.
Russian Sleigh Bells - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This romantic piece recreates a snowy sleigh ride in winter. It is written in the key of G minor.