Flip Flop Talk - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This fun piece for young students alternates the right hand from a high C to a G position, with the left hand mostly in middle C position.
Dragonfly - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Written entirely in the G Minor hand position, this piece is a favorite with students on a level 1b-2a level. For special effects, the damper pedal is used and both hands play 8va throughout the piece.
Distant Galaxy - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This duet is based on a whole tone scale, giving it that feeling of "space", or typically, "outer-space". It's a lot of fun to play this on an electric piano for a more eerie sound, but works just as well on an acoustic piano too.
Candy Corn Rag - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece is on a level 2b. It begins in C Major 5-finger hand position, with the right hand moving to a higher C, then D position as the piece progresses. It has a lively, 4/4 ragtime rhythm.
The Magic Broomstick Ride - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Halloween piece for students who are playing in 5-finger patterns in A minor hand position.
The Lonely Scarecrow - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This minor piece on an elementary level uses both staccato and legato touches alternately throughout.
Butterfly Wings - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This late-elementary solo is written in an A Major 5-finger pattern, with the left hand moving an octave lower twice throughout the piece and then back. The pedal is used, but is kept very simple.