Yankee Doodle Fife and Drum - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This beginning ensemble is written for 1 piano and six hands, but can be played on three electric pianos instead, using the synthesized sounds to portray the fife and drum.
Winding River - Elementary Piano Sheet Music The left hand has the melody in this beginning piece in 3/4 time, while the right hand repeats a 3-note pattern in high C position.
Three American Folk Songs in Middle C - Elementary Piano Sheet Music These 3 pieces are all in Middle C position for beginning students. Teacher's parts are included for fun at the lesson or to make the pieces stand out in recital performances.
The Fire Truck - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece has lots of movement for the beginning student. Most of it stays in middle C position, moving out occasionally to make a "siren" effect.
Steel Drum Band - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This fun piece is in the Key of D Major. The lively, syncopated rhythm is advanced for the beginning student, but is easily achieved when taught by rote.
Starlight - Elementary Piano Sheet Music Both hands play an octave higher throughout in this beautiful, lyrical piece in G Major position.
Starfish - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece is in middle C position for young beginners to learn. It has a lyrical nature to it, helping students who are on this level to develop a softer touch when playing.