Sweet Hour of Prayer - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This familiar hymn has been arranged as a duet. The primo is on a beginner's level and the secondo is intermediate-- for teacher, parent, or older sibling.
Bingo Duet - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This traditional folk song is arranged for 1 piano / 4 hands on a beginning level. The ending has a "double cross-over" with both the primo and secondo reaching out of position for their last note. This is a fun, first piano duet for beginners to learn.
Silly Directions - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This beginning piece is in the category of silly songs that never end. At the bottom of the piece, students are asked to come up with their own ending so they can stop playing it over and over again.
The Wheels on the Bus (1 Piano, 6 Hands) - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This arrangement of a favorite children's song is written for 1 piano, 6 hands. All three parts are arranged with a lot of action and fun for beginners.
Easter Bunny - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This fun piece for Easter makes use of staccatos for the bunny "hops". It is written in the C Major 5-finger pattern with one crossover note to treble C.
Yankee Doodle Fife and Drum - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This beginning ensemble is written for 1 piano and six hands, but can be played on three electric pianos instead, using the synthesized sounds to portray the fife and drum.
Winding River - Elementary Piano Sheet Music The left hand has the melody in this beginning piece in 3/4 time, while the right hand repeats a 3-note pattern in high C position.