Turkey Talk - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Fun for Thanksgiving, this level 1B piece is in Middle C Position. It moves out to a Treble C Position as it progresses.
Let's Build a Snowman - Primer Piano Sheet Music This fun piece is for students on a pre-reading level. It is in Middle C position.
Away in a Manger - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This Christmas piece is arranged for beginning students to play and enjoy over the holidays.
Dance of the Ghosts - Elementary Piano Sheet Music Halloween piece written in middle C position includes a teacher's part.
Halloween is Here - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music The right hand in this piece begins in Middle C position, then ends in a high C position for the effect of the Witches' broom ride. The left hand remains in Middle C position throughout.
It's Your Birthday! - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Using all 5 C's (middle,treble and bass, high and low), this piece is a good teaching tool for learning the different C positions. It's also a fun piece for the late elementary student to play.
Three American Folk Songs in Middle C - Elementary Piano Sheet Music These 3 pieces are all in Middle C position for beginning students. Teacher's parts are included for fun at the lesson or to make the pieces stand out in recital performances.