Piano Duets and Ensembles Sheet Music
Playing the piano is more fun with a friend! These duets and ensembles are perfect for beginner to intermediate students.

We've listed some of our duets, ensembles, and music with a teacher's part below.
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Piano Duets
Browse a selection below or view all duets, ensembles, and music with a teacher's part.
Bingo Duet - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
This traditional folk song is arranged for 1 piano / 4 hands on a beginning level. The ending has a “double cross-over” with both the primo and secondo reaching out of position for their last note. This is a fun, first piano duet for beginners to learn.

Angels We Have Heard On High - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
Written for two beginning students, this Christmas duet keeps both parts in C Major 5-finger pattern.

America - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
The arrangement for this duet puts the primo on a beginning level and the secondo on a more advanced level. Teachers may play along with their students, or pair an older sibling with a younger one for a great patriotic number.

Bright Day Bugle Call - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
This 1 piano, 4 hands duet for beginning students has both hands in a middle C position. The secondo is played an octave lower and the primo an octave higher. It’s a great piece for a recital and for a beginning student’s first duet experience.

Sweet Hour of Prayer - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
This familiar hymn has been arranged as a duet. The primo is on a beginner’s level and the secondo is intermediate-- for teacher, parent, or older sibling.

Spring (Piano Duet) - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
Taken from Antonio Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” violin concerto (composed in 1723), this piece has been arranged for a 1 piano, 4 hands duet . It’s also fun to play on a synthesizer, using the strings and orchestra settings to give it more of an “authentic” sound.

Bagatelle in A Minor Piano Solo or Duet - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
This short piece, written by Beethoven, has been partnered with a second piano part on the same level as the original. You can print only the original piece to be used as a solo, or both parts for an interesting two-piano duet.

Ecossaise (2 Pianos, 4 Hands) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
Beethoven’s familiar piano solo has been partnered with a second piano for fun and variety. The second part is keeping with the character of the original piece. It is suggested to play the first part through as a solo then adding the second piano for the duet.

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
Part of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite, this magical piece has been written as a piano duet for intermediate performers.

Greensleeves (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
This old English melody (aka “What Child is This”) has been arranged in a duet. It is set in the key of G Minor.

Gigue a l’ Angloise (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
The primo for this duet is the original Gigue by Telemann. It has been partnered by a second piano part.

Lavender’s Blue (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
This duet, based on an English folk tune, is great for level 2-3 students. Both the primo and secondo stay close within the D Major hand position throughout the piece.

Musette (2 Pianos, 4 Hands Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
This duet is an arrangement of the Musette in D Major taken from the Anna Magdalena Notebook. It stays true to the original, with a few fun additions.

Scarborough Fair (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
This arrangement, taken from an English folk song, is written for 1 piano, 4 hands. The beautiful, familiar melody alternates from secondo to primo throughout the piece.

Rustic Dance (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
This duet is for 2 pianos, 4 hands. The first part is taken from a lively dance tune written by Haydn centuries ago, with the second part playing a new, original melody that compliments the first. Students will have fun as they learn each part separately, then perform them together at recitals.

The First Noel (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
This 17th century English carol is arranged for 1 piano/4 hands.

Chopsticks (A Waltz) (Duet) - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
This duet, written for 1 piano, 4 hands, is in the style of the Grand Waltz from the Romantic Era. Polyphonic at times, it has some surprising sounds as the familiar tune weaves its way from beginning to end. It is a fun piece for students to play and perform.

Jingle Bells 1 Piano, 6 Hands - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
This fun Christmas piece is arranged for 1 piano, 6 hands. You can create a festive, sleigh bell sound by adding a synthesizer for the first part or by using electronic pianos to orchestrate all 3 parts.

Pat-A-Pan (Ensemble) - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
This traditional Christmas carol has been arranged for a beginning trio, with all parts in 5-finger patterns. It can be performed on 1 piano or on 3 electric pianos, using a flute sound for the top part and some percussion for the lower part.

The Wheels on the Bus (1 Piano, 6 Hands) - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
This arrangement of a favorite children’s song is written for 1 piano, 6 hands. All three parts are arranged with a lot of action and fun for beginners.

Yankee Doodle Fife and Drum - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
This beginning ensemble is written for 1 piano and six hands, but can be played on three electric pianos instead, using the synthesized sounds to portray the fife and drum.

Rivers of China (1 Piano and 6 Hands) - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music
This ensemble piece is written for 1 piano and 6 hands. Its beautiful melody is taken from a Chinese Folk Song.

Up on the Housetop (4 Piano Ensemble) - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music
This familiar Christmas piece has been arranged for a 4 piano ensemble. It can be performed on synthesizers too, with each part playing a different instrument for an orchestrated effect.

All Things Bright and Beautiful - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
One of the most popular traditional hymns, this piece has been arranged in middle C position for the beginning student. The teacher’s part is a beautiful, flowing accompaniment that compliments the familiar melody played by the student.

Birthday Song - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
This traditional piece is a favorite with young students. Written in Middle C position, young beginners can have fun playing its familiar tune.

Joy to the World - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
An easy Christmas carol in Middle C position, this piece makes a good performance number for a first Christmas recital, especially when played with the teacher’s part.

Once Upon a Time - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
Written in middle C position with a Teacher’s Part included, this beginning piece is great for a young student’s first recital.

Forest Green - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music
The beautiful melody of this piece is taken from an English folk song. It is written in G Major 5-finger pattern for the level two student and can be played as a solo or with the teacher’s part added.

Three American Folk Songs in Middle C - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
These 3 pieces are all in Middle C position for beginning students. Teacher’s parts are included for fun at the lesson or to make the pieces stand out in recital performances.

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