The Lucky Leprechaun - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece for St. Patrick's Day is written in G Major hand position. The right hand moves to a treble C position briefly, and then back to G. It has a lively rhythm in 3/4 time.
A Pot of Gold - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This easy piece for beginning students uses middle C and C hand positions alternately, with an 8va at the end that moves both hands higher.
Three Jigs - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music These lively jigs are just right for students who need some practice in 6/8 rhythm. They're fun to play as well!
Londonderry Air - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This well-known and beloved Irish folk tune has been arranged for piano solo in a late-intermediate setting. Teachers, this one is for you! (But feel free to let your older students play it too, if you must.)
A Day in Dublin - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music A lively piece written in 6/8 time, "A Day in Dublin" has a very Irish sound to it. It's in the key of D Major and is on a level 5-6.
An Irish Ballad - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in the key of A Major, this expressive piece plays like a "Song without Words". It contains a strong, lyrical melody that has a definite Irish character to it.
Dance of the Leprechauns - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music A lively jig, written in 3/4 time with dotted quarter and eighth note rhythm patterns, this piece is ideal for early intermediate students to play for recitals or just for fun.
Two for an Irish Jig (Duet) - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This 1-piano, 4-hands duet is in the G Major 5-finger hand position. Its lively tempo and polyphonic nature makes it a favorite for students.
Easter Bunny - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This fun piece for Easter makes use of staccatos for the bunny "hops". It is written in the C Major 5-finger pattern with one crossover note to treble C.
The Easter Bunny Hop - Primer Piano Sheet Music This fun piece with an Easter theme is written in middle C position for young students to play.
Valentine - Elementary Piano Sheet Music In C Major hand position, this easy 3/4 piece with a valentine theme is fun for the level 1 student.
Making Valentines - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This Valentine piece is fun and easy for students on this level. It moves around in 5-finger patterns that center around G, F, and C Major.
Valentine Hearts - Primer Piano Sheet Music Primer students will love this Valentine piece in C Major hand position. It is in 3/4 time and uses skips and steps in both hands.
A Boogie Woogie Valentine - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece, written in an easy boogie woogie style, is a great piece for students to learn for Valentine's Day
Conversation Hearts - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Written in C Major 5-finger hand position, this is a fun piece to give students for Valentines' Day.
A Special Valentine - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This level 2 piece is written in A Major 5-Finger pattern. It moves to D Major 5-Finger pattern briefly in the middle section.
My Valentine Box - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This beginning piece is in Middle C position. Students can color the Valentines as they memorize each line.
A Valentine Waltz (Or Be Mine in 3/4 Time) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This whimsical waltz is written in the key of D Major. The patterns created throughout the piece are easy to learn, and the fingering is precise and clear. It's a fun solo for students on an intermediate level.
Winter Waltz Impromptu - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This 1 piano, 4 hands duet has the primo moving from the right side of the bench to the left... and back again, and again! It's a fun piece with lots of room for performance choreography. It's written in the key of d minor.
Beginner Piano Sheet Music for Kids Sheet music for those just starting to learn the piano. Great for kids as well as kids at heart!
Classical Piano Sheet Music Popular piano sheet music from Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Chopin, and more.
Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Browse our collection of intermediate piano sheet music. We have a large variety of pieces and you're sure to find something you'll love!
Easy Piano Sheet Music Piano sheet music that's fun to learn and easy to play. Arranged for early to early intermediate levels.
Piano Duets and Ensembles Sheet Music Playing the piano is more fun with a friend! These duets and ensembles are perfect for beginner to intermediate students.
Piano Hymn Sheet Music These popular hymns have been arranged for beginning to intermediate students.
Ducks in a Line - Primer Piano Sheet Music This pre-reading piece is in 3/4 time. It has a teacher's accompaniment that will help students stay in rhythm when counting out the dotted half notes.
Home Game - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This fast piece is great for students playing on a 2b - 3a level. It begins in an A Major hand position and moves throughout the piece into various other positions, always staying in a 5-finger pattern.
Spring (Piano Duet) - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Taken from Antonio Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" violin concerto (composed in 1723), this piece has been arranged for a 1 piano, 4 hands duet . It's also fun to play on a synthesizer, using the strings and orchestra settings to give it more of an "authentic" sound.
Flip Flop Talk - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This fun piece for young students alternates the right hand from a high C to a G position, with the left hand mostly in middle C position.
The Carousel (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This duet moves along in a breezy 3/4 rhythm. It has a carefree melody that alternates from primo to secondo, giving interest to both parts.
Stars - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece with a quiet mood to it is written for the late elementary student. It begins in a high C position with the right hand and in middle C position with the left.
A Summer Breeze - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This delicate "Impromptu" has a mix of rubato in its tempo and a feeling of rushing forward to create the illusion of a warm summer breeze.
All Things Bright and Beautiful - Elementary Piano Sheet Music One of the most popular traditional hymns, this piece has been arranged in middle C position for the beginning student. The teacher's part is a beautiful, flowing accompaniment that compliments the familiar melody played by the student.
A Merry Olde March - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This lively piece in 4/4 time is on the same level as the "March in D" from the Anna Magdalena notebook. It begins in G Major and modulates to C Major, making use of scale passages along the way.
Crazy Train - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This rhythmic piece has both hands in C position, with the primo right hand moving briefly to G then to F position. It begins with the secondo marking out the rhythm while the primo counts two measures of rests before joining in. The train slows down and blows its whistle as it comes to a stop.
A Lullaby for Izzy - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This gentle lullaby is set in the key of C Major. It has a light, rocking motion and a melody that repeats in variations, lulling baby to sleep.
Fourth Finger Etude - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music The fourth fingers are used a lot in this etude in C Major, helping to strengthen the technic for these weaker, less used fingers.
Bagatelle in A Minor Piano Solo or Duet - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This short piece, written by Beethoven, has been partnered with a second piano part on the same level as the original. You can print only the original piece to be used as a solo, or both parts for an interesting two-piano duet.
Dragon Song - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music With a tempo marking of Allegro Furioso, this piece evokes the imagination to conjure up the fantasy of a dragon in flight, fierce and ferocious.
1st Inversion Triad Boogie - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece with a relaxed tempo in 4/4 time, is in the Key of C Major. The right hand drills the student on descending 1st inversion triads, while the left hand does a boogie bass with swinging eighth note patterns. A fun piece for students to practice 1st inversion triads.
Ecossaise (2 Pianos, 4 Hands) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Beethoven's familiar piano solo has been partnered with a second piano for fun and variety. The second part is keeping with the character of the original piece. It is suggested to play the first part through as a solo then adding the second piano for the duet.
Evening Dance - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This fast piece, marked vivace, is in the Key of E Minor. Written in 3/8 time, it uses sixteenth and eighth note patterns for a lively dance rhythm.
Dance of the Moon and Stars - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in the Key of G Minor, this piece keeps the left hand harmony marking out a percussive rhythm while the right hand alternates between C Minor and G Minor hand position.
Chopsticks (A Waltz) (Duet) - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This duet, written for 1 piano, 4 hands, is in the style of the Grand Waltz from the Romantic Era. Polyphonic at times, it has some surprising sounds as the familiar tune weaves its way from beginning to end. It is a fun piece for students to play and perform.
Fizzy Dizzy Boogie Rag Duet - Elementary Piano Sheet Music With both parts written in Middle C hand position, this piece makes for a fun and easy recital duet for beginners. It's also a great hit with audiences!
Agitation - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This is an arrangement of the Mendelssohn Opus 53, No. 3 piece in the key of G Minor. It has been simplified for students who are playing on a level 5-6. While it is not recommended for competitions or festivals, it is a fun piece to learn for recitals or as an introduction to the original solo.
The Rainbow - Primer Piano Sheet Music This pre-reading piece is written in C Major hand position. The notes move in either skips or steps, and are to be played in a legato style.
Battle Hymn of the Republic - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Julia Ward Howe wrote the words to this American Hymn in 1861 at the beginning of the Civil War. She put the words to music, using a traditional melody. Her hymn soon became a popular patriotic song of the Civil War era that is still sung today.
At the End of the Rainbow - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music At the End of the Rainbow piano sheet music.
Dragonfly - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Written entirely in the G Minor hand position, this piece is a favorite with students on a level 1b-2a level. For special effects, the damper pedal is used and both hands play 8va throughout the piece.
Aeolian Harp Strings - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece is written in the Aeolian mode beginning on A, giving it a mysterious, ancient sound.
Dolphin Fun - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece is written in Middle C position for the beginning student. It is a fun "extra" piece to give young students who are on this level.
Butterfly Wings - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This late-elementary solo is written in an A Major 5-finger pattern, with the left hand moving an octave lower twice throughout the piece and then back. The pedal is used, but is kept very simple.
Snail Race - Primer Piano Sheet Music This piece is on a pre-reading level. Made up entirely of dotted half notes, it allows young students on this level to play the notes slow and connected.
Bubble Gum - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This bouncy piece has lots of movement in the left hand and lots of staccatos. It begins in C Major hand position and extends stepwise in both hands.
Balloons - Primer Piano Sheet Music This is a very easy pre-reading piece, using only three fingers with the left hand, and two with the right. It is played on the black keys.
Distant Galaxy - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This duet is based on a whole tone scale, giving it that feeling of "space", or typically, "outer-space". It's a lot of fun to play this on an electric piano for a more eerie sound, but works just as well on an acoustic piano too.
Bright Day Bugle Call - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This 1 piano, 4 hands duet for beginning students has both hands in a middle C position. The secondo is played an octave lower and the primo an octave higher. It's a great piece for a recital and for a beginning student's first duet experience.
My First Day of School - Primer Piano Sheet Music This pre-reading piece is in Middle C position. The first note begins on an A ("A" is for Apple), giving it a minor sound at the start, but modulating at the end of each phrase to a happier, C Major sound. This is a great piece to give young students who are just starting school for the first time.
Ballade - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This flowing, lyrical ballade is in the key of e minor. It is an interesting and rewarding piece for teenagers and adults, who are playing on a level 5 - 6, to learn for their repertoire.
Bagatelle - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece is written in the key of G flat Major, in 6/8 time. The "Allegro" tempo can be challenging, especially when the eighth notes compete 2 against 3. It's a fun, showy piece for the late intermediate (almost early advanced) student.
Four Lady Bugs - Primer Piano Sheet Music This pre-reading piece is for the right hand only. Primer students will have fun playing all four verses and singing along.
Chirp - Primer Piano Sheet Music Written in Middle C position, this pre-reading piece is in 3/4 time and uses quarter rests.
Autumn's Song - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in the key of E minor, this piece has a mixture of autumn's playful side along with the reflective quality of the season. It's a good seasonal piece for late intermediate students to learn.
Happy Birthday Song - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This traditional piece is a favorite with young students. Written in Middle C position, young beginners can have fun playing its familiar tune.
Anna's Song - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This lyrical piece is written in 3/4 time (except for 1 measure that changes to 4/4), and in the key of E Major. Left hand and right hand harmonies intertwine around a delicate right hand melody, giving it a tapestry effect much like an arabesque.
Bingo - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This traditional piece is a favorite with young students. Written in Middle C position, young beginners can have fun playing its familiar tune.
Christmas Piano Sheet Music 'Tis the season for all of your favorite Christmas piano music! Find Christmas piano sheet music arranged from beginner to late intermediate.
Free Piano Sheet Music We have a large library of original, classical, and other well known piano sheet music. Browse our catalog to find just the right piece!
Up on the Housetop (4 Piano Ensemble) - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This familiar Christmas piece has been arranged for a 4 piano ensemble. It can be performed on synthesizers too, with each part playing a different instrument for an orchestrated effect.
Over the River and Through the Woods - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in the Key of B flat Major, this traditional Thanksgiving Day song is on a level 3-4.
Winter Sleigh Bells - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece is full of staccatos and has lots of movement to imitate the sound of a sleigh ride in the winter. It's a fun, lively piece for a level 2-3 student to play.
Thanksgiving Day - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This holiday piece begins in Middle C position, then moves the left hand down to C position in the middle section. It's a fun, easy piece for late elementary students to learn for Thanksgiving.
Joy to the World - Elementary Piano Sheet Music An easy Christmas carol in Middle C position, this piece makes a good performance number for a first Christmas recital, especially when played with the teacher's part.
Silent Night - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music One of the most cherished Christmas carols, this arrangement for the Intermediate student uses left hand arpeggios to create a simple, flowing harmony throughout.
Prayer of Thanksgiving - Intermediate Piano Sheet This hymn was brought to the "New World" in the early 1600's. It soon became a favorite in the American colonies. It is still sung today as a traditional Thanksgiving hymn.
Jolly Old St. Nicholas (Middle C) - Elementary Piano Sheet Music Christmas piece arranged for beginning students to play and enjoy over the holidays.
Over the River and Through the Woods - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This Traditional Thanksgiving Song has been simplified for late elementary students to enjoy. It is written in the key of C Major.
Here We Come A Caroling - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This traditional English carol begins and ends in 6/8 time, with the middle section in 4/4. It is written in the key of C Major.
Sing We Now of Christmas - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This is a very easy arrangement of a traditional French carol, with a harder "teacher's part" that could be played by a parent or older sibling. It's just right for a beginning student who needs a special Christmas piece to play for a recital or church program.
Jingle Bells 1 Piano, 6 Hands - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This fun Christmas piece is arranged for 1 piano, 6 hands. You can create a festive, sleigh bell sound by adding a synthesizer for the first part or by using electronic pianos to orchestrate all 3 parts.
O Christmas Tree - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This Christmas carol of German origin is arranged in a casual jazz style with a light swing to it.
A Christmas Sonatina - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music "Jolly Old St. Nicholas", "O Christmas Tree", and "Jingle Bells" are the three Christmas pieces that make up this intermediate sonatina. It begins in the key of C Major with the first movement, then changes to the key of G Major for the last two.
Christmas Carol Medley - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This lively medley in 6/8 time uses the English Carol "I Saw Three Ships" and the French Carol "Bring a Torch Jeanette Isabella" in an ABA form. It's a good piece to learn just for fun or for a special Christmas recital or performance.
Turkey Talk - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Fun for Thanksgiving, this level 1B piece is in Middle C Position. It moves out to a Treble C Position as it progresses.
Pat-A-Pan (Ensemble) - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This traditional Christmas carol has been arranged for a beginning trio, with all parts in 5-finger patterns. It can be performed on 1 piano or on 3 electric pianos, using a flute sound for the top part and some percussion for the lower part.
Come Ye Thankful People - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This familiar Thanksgiving hymn was originally written for the English harvest festivals. It has been arranged in the key if F and simplified for early intermediate student to play. Words have been included for home and church sing-a-longs.
Jolly Old St. Nicholas - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This is a traditional Christmas song, arranged in the Key of E flat Major, for the level 4-5 student to play. It makes use of octaves in both hands and has a good contrast between legato and staccato notes throughout.
Away in a Manger - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in the key of F Major, this traditional Christmas carol in 3/4 time has been simplified for students on a level 2b to play.
Jingle Bells - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Christmas song arranged for students who are playing in 5-finger patterns in D major.
Carol of the Bells - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This traditional Ukrainian Christmas carol, a favorite with students, has been arranged on a level 3-4.
What Child is This - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This stately version of the Old English folk song is arranged for intermediate students playing on a level 4. It is written in the key of E minor.
Still, Still, Still Piano Sheet Music- Late Intermediate This carol of German origin has been arranged in a delicate setting in 3/4 time. Originally in 4/4, this new meter gives the piece a fresh, flowing feel throughout. It is written in C Major, modulating to A-flat Major towards the end.
Angels We Have Heard on High - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This traditional Christmas carol has been arranged in the C Major 5-finger pattern, occasionally moving down to a B in both hands, and up to an A with a left hand cross-over.
Sing We Now of Christmas - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This traditional French Christmas carol has been arranged with a rhythmic, driving beat that is constantly changing time signatures. It slows down for an expressive middle part, then returns to the rhythmic style again as it proceeds to an exciting ending.
Let's Build a Snowman - Primer Piano Sheet Music This fun piece is for students on a pre-reading level. It is in Middle C position.
Jolly Old St. Nicholas - Primer Piano Sheet Music This is an easy and fun Christmas piece, arranged on a pre-reading level for young students to play.
How Many Pilgrims - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Do you know how many Pilgrims were at that first Thanksgiving? This piece, written in D minor and D major 5-finger patterns will get you thinking about it!
Deck the Halls - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This Old Welsh Christmas carol has been arranged in a low G Major hand position for late elementary students to play. It moves out into a high C position briefly in the middle, then returns to G position for the ending.
The First Noel (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This 17th century English carol is arranged for 1 piano/4 hands.
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This Old English Christmas carol has been arranged in a jazz setting in the key of E minor. It's a fun piece for teachers to play as well as students, so get yourself in a syncopated mood and remember to "swing the eighths!"
Away in a Manger - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This Christmas piece is arranged for beginning students to play and enjoy over the holidays.
Halloween Piano Sheet Music Halloween piano sheet music that's fun, spooky, and perfect for students young and old.
Dance of the Ghosts - Elementary Piano Sheet Music Halloween piece written in middle C position includes a teacher's part.
Halloween is Here - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music The right hand in this piece begins in Middle C position, then ends in a high C position for the effect of the Witches' broom ride. The left hand remains in Middle C position throughout.
On Halloween Night - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Written in a G minor 5-finger pattern, this Halloween piece is perfect for students who have learned this position in their lesson books.
Trick or Treating - Primer Piano Sheet Music This pre-reading piece with teacher's part is perfect to give students to learn for a Halloween recital or just for fun.
Find a Pumpkin - Primer Piano Sheet Music This pre-reading piece is in C Major 5-finger position. It's a good "extra" piece to give young beginners for the Halloween season.
Song of Joy - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This classical piece has been simplified for early intermediate students to enjoy.
Halloween Costume Parade (Duet) - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Just right for Halloween ensemble recitals, this duet for 1 piano, 4 hands is just spooky enough to get everyone in the Halloween mood!
Be Still, My Soul - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This flowing arrangement of a much-beloved hymn has a prayerful setting to it. Jean Sibelius wrote the original tune, 'Finlandia', as part of a group of symphonic poems. His inspiration for them came from Finnish folk legends.
Theme From Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This classical piece has been simplified for early intermediate students to enjoy.
Musette Simplified (Bach) - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This classical piece has been simplified for early intermediate students to enjoy.
How Great Thou Art - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This favorite hymn, based on a Swedish folk melody, is perfect for the late-intermediate student to learn for church offertories, preludes, and performances.
Music for Music Teachers Whether teaching beginners, intermediate, or advanced students, teachers know the pieces that work.
The Perfect Piano Sheet Music For Valentine's Day Roses are red, violets are blue, this valentine piano sheet music was written just for you!
Jean Philippe Rameau - Menuet en Rondeau - Piano Sheet Music Jean Philippe Rameau - Menuet en Rondeau
Schumann - Knight of the Rocking Horse - Piano Sheet Music Robert Schumann - Knight of the Rocking Horse
Schumann - Of Foreign Lands and People - Piano Sheet Music Robert Schumann - Of Foreign Lands and People
Beethoven - Six Variations on a Swiss Air - Piano Sheet Music Ludwig van Beethoven - Six Variations on a Swiss Air
Allegretto - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece has a classical feel to it with an Alberti Bass harmony supporting the melody. It is in the key of A Major and asks students to identify some of the triads in that key.
Pineapple Slush (Piano Duet) - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This duet has an easy, upbeat rhythm in the secondo and a casual, relaxed melody in the primo that blend together for a very fun experience. It just might put you in the mood for a pineapple slush!
Happy Birthday Song - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This familiar "Happy Birthday" song is written in the key of A Major for students to play for those special birthday occasions.
Sweet Hour of Prayer - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This familiar hymn has been arranged as a duet. The primo is on a beginner's level and the secondo is intermediate-- for teacher, parent, or older sibling.
Skye Boat Song Piano Sheet Music - Late Intermediate This Scottish folk song, recalling the journey of Bonnie Prince Charlie's escape to the Isle of Skye, has been arranged for piano solo. The haunting melody has been popularized recently as the theme of "Outlander," a television series set in the highlands of Scotland.
Bingo Duet - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This traditional folk song is arranged for 1 piano / 4 hands on a beginning level. The ending has a "double cross-over" with both the primo and secondo reaching out of position for their last note. This is a fun, first piano duet for beginners to learn.
Amazing Grace - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This well loved folk hymn has inspired congregations for many years. As a piano arrangement, its beautiful melody can continue the inspiration as students perform it at church functions.
Frère Jacques - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Based on the melody of a French folk song, this late-intermediate arrangement turns a simple motive into a sophisticated and beautiful piano piece that students (as well as teachers) will love to play.
Silly Directions - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This beginning piece is in the category of silly songs that never end. At the bottom of the piece, students are asked to come up with their own ending so they can stop playing it over and over again.
Impromptu Magic - Advanced Piano Sheet Music This "magical" suite can be performed as one piece or as three separate pieces. It begins with a fast, furious tempo that changes to a delicate middle part and then ends with some playfulness. Advanced students will love adding it to their repertoire.
Witches Flight - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in the Key of F Minor, this piece is in 6/8 time. Heavily accented octaves and sixths contrast with lighter, legato passages, evoking the feel of the Witches menacing flight.
Welsh Folk Song - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Welsh Folk Song is based on the tune, "All Through the Night" and plays like a lullaby in 3/4 time. It makes use of secondary triads as well as the standard primary triads found in most folk songs. Movement in the left hand keeps the rhythm flowing as the beautiful melody intertwines throughout.
The Star Spangled Banner Piano Sheet Music - Late Intermediate America's national anthem has been arranged in a solemn setting in this piano solo written for the late intermediate student.
The Magic Slippers - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music From glass slippers, ruby slippers, golden and red shoes, these magical footwear have a prominent place in fairy tale literature. This haunting piece in the key of C minor puts music to the stories.
The Journey - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece, written in the Romantic style, is great for late-intermediate adult students and teenagers. The melody moves alternately from left to right hand, creating a lot of interest as the piece moves forward. It is written in the key of G minor.
Something Like a Star Piano Sheet Music - Late Intermediate This piece begins in 9/8 time, with lots of arpeggios intertwining around a melodic line. It later "slows" to a 3/4 meter, becoming more lyrical before returning to 9/8 to end. It's a great etude for students on this level who want to use their arpeggio skills in a creative setting.
Russian Sleigh Bells - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This romantic piece recreates a snowy sleigh ride in winter. It is written in the key of G minor.
My Country 'Tis of Thee - God Save the King - (UK National Anthem) - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This patriotic piece is well known in America as "My Country 'Tis of Thee" and in the UK as "God Save the King/Queen". Its inspiring melody begins in a solemn mood that evolves to a contemplative setting and finally to its lively, spirited ending.
Midnight Caravan - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This mysterious piece, written in the key of C minor, will add some flavor to your student's repertoire and to your recitals! It has a steady 6/8 rhythm and exotic sounding scale passages that bring to mind an ancient Persian Caravan making its way through the desert.
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This delicate arrangement of a beloved Christmas carol begins with the melody in the left hand, moving to the right as it develops. It's a beautiful piece for a Christmas concert or church program.
Irish Jig - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece is an arrangement of the tune "The Irish Washer-Woman", a lively traditional jig with lots of movement and a catchy melody. It is a challenging yet fun piece to play for students on a late intermediate level.
For the Beauty of the Earth - Late Intermediate Piano Sheet Music The beautiful hymn-tune of this piece was written by Conrad Kocher well over a hundred years ago. This piano arrangement in the key of G Major, is flowing and upbeat, with a touch of syncopation woven into its rhythm.
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music The tune for this piece is taken from an African-American spiritual. It begins and ends in the key of A major, moving into C major as it develops, then gracefully back to A major to end.
Safari Adventure - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This is a rhythmic piece set in a Mixolydian mode. The first part starts with the mode on "G" then moves it to a "D" for an expressive middle section. It does a Da Capo back to the mode on "G", ending with a coda on a G7 chord with a suspended 4th. It's a musical adventure with a safari theme!
Etude in D Major - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This technical study will help students with legato and staccato touches, correct fingering of scale passages and broken chords, and playing at an even "allegretto" tempo while doing them.
Sleeping Beauty Waltz - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This familiar waltz has been arranged in the key of G Major for the intermediate student.
About Strange Lands and People - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This is a simplified arrangement of Robert Schumann's first piece from "Scenes from Childhood" Opus 15. It is written in the key of C Major, in 3/4 time (the original key signature was G Major, with a 2/4 time signature that used triplets).
Little Star - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music A delicate piece, based on "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", is set in a jazz waltz. This solo is especially appealing for older intermediate students and adults who like playing in this genre.
With a Hundred Pipers - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piano arrangement is taken from a Scottish folk song. It has a lively 6/8 rhythm with a touch of "bagpipes" added in. Starting in the key of G Major, it modulates to E Major at the end.
Winter in New York - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece takes on the many moods of a winter in New York. Beginning with a slow, moody sound, it soon changes to a bright animation that comes full circle as the piece progresses then returns to the first motif once again. This light jazz piece makes use of casual syncopation and seventh chords.
We Wish You a Merry Christmas - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This Traditional English Carol has been arranged for students who are on a level 4-5. It is written in the key of E flat Major and makes use of both legato and staccato touches throughout the piece.
Wave of the Magic Wand - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This intermediate piece is written in the key of A Minor for a magical, mysterious sound. The use of scale passages and arpeggios gives movement to the piece as well.
Up on the Housetop - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This is a short, fun arrangement of a popular Christmas song that was written by Benjamin Hanby from Ohio in 1864. The melody is shared by both hands alternately and left hand melodic octaves are used a lot to help keep the rhythm going.
Tuscan Toccatina - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece in the key of A minor is fast, showy, and makes for a great performance piece for recitals and festivals.
The Skater's Waltz - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This waltz has been arranged in the key of G Major for the intermediate student.
The Polka Dot Polka - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music There's lots of staccatos in this fun piece written in the key of D Major. The middle section moves to G Major briefly, then returns to the original key. It ends with D Major scale passages in both hands.
The Music Box Ballerina - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This delicate piece is in the style of a Theme and Variations. It is for students playing on a level 3 - 4.
The Merry Widow Waltz - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This familiar waltz has been arranged in the key of G Major.
The Love of God - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Beginning in the key of E flat Major then modulating to the key of C Major, this familiar hymn has a lot of interest for the intermediate student. The use of slightly non-traditional harmonies and some variations on the melody gives a fresh sound to a traditional piece.
The Christmas Star - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This seasonal piece is written in the key of G Major and makes use of parallel thirds and some extended chords in the bass. Fingering is marked clearly to help the students master these elements.
The Autumn Wind - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This blustery seasonal piece is written in the key of A minor. It uses a lot of cross-hand arpeggios that ascend up the keyboard then back down again, giving a feeling of the wind's playfulness in Autumn.
Susie's Sonatina - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This bright piece stays close to the G Major 5-finger pattern, with the right hand venturing out occasionally to a treble C and D position. It's a great for introducing young students to the classical sonatina style.
Summer Surfin' Blues - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This fun piece is written with a fast swing tempo in 4/4 time. In the key of C Major, it is easily accessible for students playing on a level 3.
Summer Storm - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music The use of diminished seventh arpeggios as well as scale passages create the intensity of a summer storm in this piece written in the key of A minor.
Summer Solstice - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This flowing piece in 3/4 time begins in the key of D minor, moves to D Major, then back to the minor as it progresses. Older students and adults who are playing on an intermediate level will like its lyrical style and complex harmonies.
Square Dance - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music The Mixolydian Mode beginning on G, and then transposed to D, has been used in this Intermediate piece to create an old-time fiddle tune in 4/4 time.
Sonatina in F (3 Movements) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music 1st: Written in Sonata-Allegro form, this is an excellent technical piece. 2nd: This is a slow piece in the Key of D Major. 3rd: This Rondo has a lot of motion. It's challenging for a level 5-6 student, but also very rewarding.
Skedaddle - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This lively piece makes use of scale passages in both the right and left hands alternately. It's a fun piece for a level 5-6 student to play.
Shenandoah - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This folk song has been arranged for 1 piano, 4 hands. It is written in the Key of E flat Major.
Scarborough Fair (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This arrangement, taken from an English folk song, is written for 1 piano, 4 hands. The beautiful, familiar melody alternates from secondo to primo throughout the piece.
Rustic Dance (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This duet is for 2 pianos, 4 hands. The first part is taken from a lively dance tune written by Haydn centuries ago, with the second part playing a new, original melody that compliments the first. Students will have fun as they learn each part separately, then perform them together at recitals.
Reverie - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This intriguingly simple piece, written in the Key of G Major, is accessible to level 4-5 students. It is in 4/4 meter and marked "rubato".
Railroad Crossing Blues - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in the Key of G Major, this piece is ideal for the intermediate student interested in jazz and improvising.
Princess of Arabia - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music A flowing 3/4 rhythm gives this piece an exotic, peaceful sound. Left hand patterns make it easy for the level 2-3 student to learn.
Pleasant Moments - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This is a slow ragtime waltz, written by Scott Joplin and arranged for the level 3-4 student. In the key of C Major, it contains a syncopated 3/4 rhythm.
Piper's Son Blues - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece, written from the blue's scale beginning on D, allows students to do some of their own improvising on that scale. The 4/4 rhythm invites the performer to swing the eighths for that relaxed, "bluesy" feel students enjoy playing.
Peacherine Rag - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece is a simplified arrangement of the Scott Joplin original. It has a lively tempo and the syncopated, "ragged" rhythm typical of all ragtime pieces.
Musette (2 Pianos, 4 Hands Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This duet is an arrangement of the Musette in D Major taken from the Anna Magdalena Notebook. It stays true to the original, with a few fun additions.
Morning Has Broken (Gaelic Folk Song) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This melody, made into a simple arrangement, is from the traditional Scottish Gaelic tune known as "Bunessan".
Morning Has Broken - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Taken from the old Gaelic folk tune "Bunessan", this hymn arrangement is perfect to play for church offertories as well as student recitals.
Milk Shake Rag - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This original ragtime piece is written in the key of C Major in 4/4 time, with a moderate swing for the eighth notes. The middle part modulates to the Key of F Major, then returns to C Major at the end. Students will love the popular ragtime style.
Martha's Minuet - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This original piano solo written in the Key of G Major, is in the style of a classical-era minuet.
Maple Leaf Rag (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written for 1 piano, 4 hands, this duet is an arrangement of Scott Joplin's popular ragtime piece which was originally published as a piano solo in 1899. It's lively, ragtime rhythm makes it just as popular today, and twice the fun when played as a duet.
Little Prelude - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in the key of A minor, this short piece has a classical feel to it that will appeal to older students on this level.
Lilac Days - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This is a lovely piece written in the key of A Major. It has a delicate, simple melody in the right hand with a lot of left hand movement supporting it. It's a good piece for older intermediate students, especially adults, who want to learn something they can enjoy playing.
Legend of Loch Morar - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music The inspiration for this intermediate solo was taken from one of Scotland's beautiful lakes. It is a flowing piece, written in the key of G minor.
Lavender's Blue (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This duet, based on an English folk tune, is great for level 2-3 students. Both the primo and secondo stay close within the D Major hand position throughout the piece.
Lady Bug Rag - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This lively ragtime piece is for students who are playing on a level 3 - 4. It is written in the key of C Major.
Kum Ba Yah - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in 6/4 time, this arrangement of a well known African folk song keeps a steady beat as it moves from the key of G major to D major.
Joshua Fit the Battle - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This well known spiritual has the words included for a sing-a-long with accompaniment, but can also be played as a piano solo. It's set in the key of e minor.
Greensleeves (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This old English melody (aka "What Child is This") has been arranged in a duet. It is set in the key of G Minor.
Goblin's Promenade (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in the Key of D Minor, this Halloween piece begins with the secondo playing the first section alone, with the primo adding in on the repeat and playing throughout the rest. It "swings" the eighth notes, and the primo does a brief "cross hand" part in the middle. It is in ternary form.
Gigue a l' Angloise (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music The primo for this duet is the original Gigue by Telemann. It has been partnered by a second piano part.
Gigue - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This fast dance in a lively 6/8 meter is written in the key of D Major. It's almost like a dance for the hands too, once the fingers have been carefully choreographed into their precise patterns.
Ferris Wheel - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in the Key of G Major, this broken chord etude is excellent for students who are starting to learn extended fingering outside the beginning 5-finger patterns.
Dawn - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in 3/4 time with a moderate tempo, this piece begins in the Key of A Minor, modulating into A Major for a "lift" in its original mood. It returns to A Minor briefly, then ends with a picardy 3rd on the last chord. Students on an intermediate level will find it rewarding and fun to play.
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (Duet) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Part of Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite, this magical piece has been written as a piano duet for intermediate performers.
Cotton Candy Rag - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music A lively ragtime piece in 4/4 time, "Cotton Candy Rag" is a great piece for the intermediate student to learn for a recital or just for fun.
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing - Simplified - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This beloved hymn has been simplified so students can accompany singers at home or at church. 2 verses are included.
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Arrangement - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This hymn arrangement is on an intermediate level and can be given to grade 3 - 4 students.
Chinese Lanterns - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece, written in the key of G major, gracefully flows through a pattern of fourth intervals as it creates an illusion of lanterns swaying in the breeze.
Caught in the Rain - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This light character piece puts to music what we have all experienced-- that moment when you're caught in the rain. It's written in the key of F major but opens with the supertonic of that key, g minor, for a suspenseful feel.
Bumper Car Blues - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece is written for Intermediate students who are interested in jazz and improvisation. Its lively tempo and swing rhythm makes it a fun piece to play as well.
Blessed Assurance - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This beautiful hymn tune by Phoebe Knapp has been arranged in 6/8 time in the key of D Major. It has a relaxed, flowing style that moves the melody forward in an expressive way.
Be Thou My Vision - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music The melody of this piano solo is taken from an Irish Hymn Tune. Its simple, reverent setting makes it perfect for church meetings, offertories, preludes, and special musical numbers.
Scherzo - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This playful piece in 4/4 time begins in C Major 5-finger pattern, then moves out slightly from that pattern as the piece progresses. Careful attention to fingering is necessary to make the changes work smoothly.
Happy Birthday Song - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music For students on this level who want to learn "Happy Birthday to You", this arrangement in F Major is "just the key".
Sidewalk Carnival - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Expect a lot of hand changes in this piece, especially in the right hand. The left hand starts with a dotted quarter to eighth note rhythm, giving it a casual beat in the bass. Even with these challenges, it is a piece that students can easily learn, especially with some hands separate practice.
Yankee Doodle - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music A fun piece of Americana for the level 2-3 student, "Yankee Doodle" is written in the Key of G Major and is in 4/4 time. Two verses with words are given for singing along.
Wild Horse Canyon - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This fast piece in cut time is written in the key of E Minor. The easy right hand patterns create intense movement, evoking the image of wild horses galloping through a canyon.
We Three Kings - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Set in the key of d minor and modulating to the relative key of F Major, this classic Christmas piece, written by the Reverend John Henry Hopkins Jr. (1820-1891), has been arranged for a level 3 student to play. The words, which were also written by Hopkins, are also included.
Twas in the Moon of Wintertime - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This Huron carol was written in 1640 by a Jesuit missionary and is considered Canada's earliest Christmas carol. In the key of E minor, this arrangement is on an early intermediate level.
Treasure Hunt - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Students will enjoy playing this mysterious piece that begins in a C minor hand position. It moves through eighth note scale passages in both the left and right hand, keeping the fingers moving and creating a lot of interest in the process.
Theme from Morning - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This is an easy arrangement of a very familiar melody. The original score was written by Grieg as part of the "Peer Gynt" suites.
The Leaves of Autumn - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in the key of G minor, this melancholy piece makes use of a recurring right hand melody as the left hand changes beneath it. Good seasonal piece for older students to play.
The Race - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music There's some finger crossing happening in this fun piece in the key of C minor, but mostly it stays in the C minor 5-finger pattern. The rhythm has a lot of syncopation that can be taught by rote or slowed down for counting out loud.
The Cupcake Cakewalk - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This lively piece is taken from a ragtime style of music called the cakewalk. It alternates between minor and major "A" hand positions.
The Crystal Cave - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Beginning in a low G minor position then modulating to G Major in the middle, this piece has a lot of contrast and interest for students. The right hand moves from G positions up to a high C and then back again. Careful attention to fingering allows students to pass between these sections freely.
Song of the Harvest Dance - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece is based on a Native American chant that celebrates a feast day. It is written in the key of e minor.
Sonatine for Halloween - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in sonatina form, this seasonal piece in three movements is perfect for a Halloween recital.
Sledding - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This is an easy piece to learn and a fun piece to play. It's definitely one of those "student saver" pieces that helps keep young students interested as they learn to play the piano.
Silent Snow - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music As the title suggests, this is a quiet, gently moving seasonal piece that makes use of left hand triads. It is an ideal piece for older students and adults who are on this level.
Shepherd's Hey (Piano Duet) - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This lively duet is taken from a traditional English folk dance. Both parts are in D Major 5-finger pattern.
Rock of Ages - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This song is traditionally sung on Hanukkah after the lighting of the festival lights. It has been set in the key of G Major.
Pirate Island - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece has been set in a G Minor hand position (with a few extensions) to give it a mysterious sound. It's a good "student saver" that's fun to do without being too complicated.
March of the Triads - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece is also a worksheet on naming triads. Students can fill in the blanks to name each triad before playing the piece, reinforcing the importance of identifying bottom notes first when sight-reading chords.
Little Sonata - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Written in the Key of F Major, this simple sonata has a left hand alberti bass, with the right hand melody centered close around F Major hand position.
Lazy Day Blues - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Beginning in an A Major hand position, this moderate blues piece has a relaxed tempo with a lazy "swing" to it. The hand position moves and extends from the beginning 5-finger pattern as the piece progresses in an easy, accessible way. The pedal is used and is marked clearly in each measure.
Kokopelli's Flute - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music A character taken from ancient petroglyphs is the theme for this piece written for the early intermediate student. The D minor setting gives a mysterious nature to it.
In the Cave of the Dwarfs - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music Great for Halloween recitals, this piece starts in the key of G minor and ends in D minor, using mostly 5-finger patterns from those keys.
In a Dream - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This slow, lyrical piece uses 5-finger patterns and some "extensions" of those patterns for students who are starting to read music outside of the beginning positions. Pedal markings are indicated, but are kept simple for this level of playing.
Humoresque - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This humorous piece for the early intermediate student moves back and forth from a D Major hand position to a d minor pattern, with a few unexpected surprises in-between.
Horse and Carriage - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This breezy piece in 3/4 time is written in the key of C Major. Broken left hand chords combine with right hand scale passages to make the feel of a nineteenth century carriage ride.
Home Run Rondo - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music The excitement and hustle of a baseball game is what this level 2 piece is all about. The fact that it also helps teach a Rondo form, D Major scale, and some syncopation is a nice added bonus.
Halloween Boogie-Boo - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This rhythmic piece is fun for Halloween. It begins in a low C 5-finger pattern and moves to the dominant and subdominant positions as the piece progresses. The left hand plays a boogie bass pattern throughout.
CSong - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music The Primo part of this duet is written for the late elementary student. The right hand is in C Position and the left hand is in D. The Secondo part is on an intermediate level with lots of position changes, making this piece ideal for students who are on slightly different levels.
Forest Green - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music The beautiful melody of this piece is taken from an English folk song. It is written in G Major 5-finger pattern for the level two student and can be played as a solo or with the teacher's part added.
It's Your Birthday! - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Using all 5 C's (middle,treble and bass, high and low), this piece is a good teaching tool for learning the different C positions. It's also a fun piece for the late elementary student to play.
Etude in G Major - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece begins in G Major 5-finger position, moving to D Major in the middle section then back to G. It's a good piece for students who are still working within 5-finger patterns.
Rivers of China (1 Piano and 6 Hands) - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This ensemble piece is written for 1 piano and 6 hands. Its beautiful melody is taken from a Chinese Folk Song.
How Great Thou Art (Simplified Arrangement) - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This simplified arrangement of the well-known Swedish Folk Hymn is easily accessible for students on a level 2. It clearly marks out all hand positions and fingerings for easier reading on this level.
Angels We Have Heard on High - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This beautiful Christmas carol has been arranged in the key of D Major for level 2 students to play.
Oranges and Lemons - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This English folk song has been arranged in an A Major hand position for level 2 students. It changes to E Major position in the middle then returns to A Major at the end, with a short cross-hand part included.
On a Pirate Ship - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Written in the key of A minor, this piece has a mysterious nature to it. The motion of the 3/4 meter and the change to C Major in the mid-section gives it a feeling of adventure as well.
Kite Flying - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This flowing piece for young students begins in a C Major 5-finger pattern, then moves to a treble C pattern. The right hand plays a C Major arpeggio at the end, making the "kite" go higher and higher, up to the sky.
Ice Cream - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Students on a level 1b-2a will enjoy this piece written in the G Major 5-finger hand position. It begins on the tonic triad, played broken then blocked -hands separate, and ends with it played hands together.
I Saw Three Ships - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Christmas song arranged for students who are playing in 5-finger patterns in D major.
Holly and the Ivy - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Words are included in this carol so students can practice their accompanying skills with friends and family during the Christmas holidays.
Hiding in My Tree House - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This fun piece for young students introduces the F Major scale. It begins in middle C position then moves out to F Major position as the right hand ascends.
The Wheels on the Bus (1 Piano, 6 Hands) - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This arrangement of a favorite children's song is written for 1 piano, 6 hands. All three parts are arranged with a lot of action and fun for beginners.
Candy Corn Rag - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece is on a level 2b. It begins in C Major 5-finger hand position, with the right hand moving to a higher C, then D position as the piece progresses. It has a lively, 4/4 ragtime rhythm.
Scarecrow Dance - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This piece, written in the key of A Minor, has a lot more accidentals than the G# normally found in this key. It makes for an unusual sound for an equally unusual subject.
The Magic Broomstick Ride - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Halloween piece for students who are playing in 5-finger patterns in A minor hand position.
The Lonely Scarecrow - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This minor piece on an elementary level uses both staccato and legato touches alternately throughout.
Black Hat Boogie - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece is in G minor 5-finger pattern. Its lively boogie rhythm and Halloween theme makes it a fun piece for students on a level 2 to learn and play.
Away in a Manger - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music A Christmas song arranged for students who are playing in 5-finger patterns in C Major.
Yankee Doodle Fife and Drum - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This beginning ensemble is written for 1 piano and six hands, but can be played on three electric pianos instead, using the synthesized sounds to portray the fife and drum.
Winding River - Elementary Piano Sheet Music The left hand has the melody in this beginning piece in 3/4 time, while the right hand repeats a 3-note pattern in high C position.
Three American Folk Songs in Middle C - Elementary Piano Sheet Music These 3 pieces are all in Middle C position for beginning students. Teacher's parts are included for fun at the lesson or to make the pieces stand out in recital performances.
The Fire Truck - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece has lots of movement for the beginning student. Most of it stays in middle C position, moving out occasionally to make a "siren" effect.
Steel Drum Band - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This fun piece is in the Key of D Major. The lively, syncopated rhythm is advanced for the beginning student, but is easily achieved when taught by rote.
Starlight - Elementary Piano Sheet Music Both hands play an octave higher throughout in this beautiful, lyrical piece in G Major position.
Starfish - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece is in middle C position for young beginners to learn. It has a lyrical nature to it, helping students who are on this level to develop a softer touch when playing.
Spring Festival - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This Middle C Position piece in 2/4 time has a bouncy, polka-like feel to it. It's a good piece for beginners who are learning in this position and need a longer piece for recitals and festivals.
Snowflakes - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece is in Middle C position for the early beginning student. Teachers might need to show students how to move their left hand down at the end to make the C Major triad snowman.
Once Upon a Time - Elementary Piano Sheet Music Written in middle C position with a Teacher's Part included, this beginning piece is great for a young student's first recital.
On the Ferris Wheel - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This piece is written in Middle C position for the beginning student. It has some cross-over notes that go up to Treble C then down to Bass C, imitating the swing of the ferris wheel.
Olympic Ceremony - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This beginning piece in 4/4 time is mostly in Middle C hand position. It includes a teacher's part which adds to the rhythmic element of this ceremonial style march.
My Kitten - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This playful piece for a beginning student is in middle C hand position. It has some staccato and legato markings to show when the kitten is jumping, running, and falling asleep.
Music Box Waltz - Elementary Piano Sheet Music For beginning students familiar with Middle C Position, this piece is the perfect recital number when played with the teacher's part (adding moral support as well as musical appeal) for that first important event.
Lemonade - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This is a fun supplementary piece for beginning students to play as part of their summer repertoire. It is written in Middle C hand position and uses some flats in the left hand.
Jingle Bells in Middle C - Elementary Piano Sheet Music Christmas piece arranged for beginning students to play and enjoy over the holidays.
Ice Skating - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This graceful piece in 3/4 time alternates between C Major hand position and Middle C position.
I'm Riding on My Scooter - Elementary Piano Sheet Music For beginning students who are working in the middle C position, this makes for a great "longer" piece to learn as a supplement to their lesson books.
Horse and Rider - Elementary Piano Sheet Music Beginning students will love the minor sound of this piece as it 'gallops' through from start to finish. Add the teacher's part and you've got a great piece for a recital.
Honey Bee - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This beginning piece is in middle C position with a cross-over note for the left hand. Young students can have fun crossing over to the "flower" (a high F) three times during the piece as they imitate the flight of the honey bee.
Haunted House Ball - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This is a great seasonal piece to give a beginning student for Halloween. It is written in middle C position and has a "spooky" 3/4 waltz tempo.
Halloween Duet - Elementary Piano Sheet Music For teachers who are finding music for their beginning students to perform at the first Fall recital, this piece fits the bill! It has a fun teacher's part too, which helps a lot with a students' confidence during that first performance.
Half-time Boogie - Elementary Piano Sheet Music This is a beginning piece for students who like to play sports as well as the piano. The right hand is in a D pattern, and the left hand in a middle C pattern. A teacher's part is included.
Autumn Leaves - Primer Piano Sheet Music This piece is for the very young beginning student who is on a pre-reading level. It is in Middle C position and has a teacher's part included.
At the Ball Game - Primer Piano Sheet Music Middle C hand position is the pattern for this fun, pre-reading piece. Both hands go an octave higher when played with the teacher's part.
Angels We Have Heard On High - Elementary Piano Sheet Music Written for two beginning students, this Christmas duet keeps both parts in C Major 5-finger pattern.
Beach Ball Bouncing - Primer Piano Sheet Music This pre-reading piece has fingers on the black keys, with left hand playing first, then ending with the right. It uses the quarter rest in its 4/4 rhythm.
America - Elementary Piano Sheet Music The arrangement for this duet puts the primo on a beginning level and the secondo on a more advanced level. Teachers may play along with their students, or pair an older sibling with a younger one for a great patriotic number.
Up in a Tree - Primer Piano Sheet Music This piece is a fun supplement to give beginning students who are playing on a pre-reading level. It is written in the C Major 5-finger pattern.
C-D-E and C-B-A - Primer Piano Sheet Music These pre-reading pieces introduce young beginners to the keyboard.
Butterflies - Primer Piano Sheet Music For pre-reading students who would like to learn a duet, this piece is just right! It can be performed on one piano, or on electric pianos for a more creative sound.
Away in a Manger - Primer Piano Sheet Music Written in Middle C Position, this Christmas carol is for students on a pre-reading level.
Jack of the Lantern - Advanced Piano Sheet Music The name of this piece comes from English folklore. Long ago, the phenomenon of strange lights that flickered over peat bogs were explained as "Foolish Fire", "Will-o'-the Wisp", and "Jack-o'-the Lantern." It is written in the key of B minor, but weaves C Major into its mysterious harmonies.
S'Vivon - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This traditional Hanukkah song is arranged on a level 2-3 for students to play. Words are included so friends and family can sing along.
The Skeleton Parade - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Halloween piece for students who are playing in 5-finger patterns in D minor hand position.
The Perfect Piano Sheet Music For St. Patrick's Day These lucky piano pieces are great for students who want to celebrate this traditional Irish holiday.
Watch Out for the Flying Bats! - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music Halloween piece for students who are playing in 5-finger patterns in C minor hand positions.