Music for Music Teachers
Whether teaching beginners, intermediate, or advanced students, teachers know the pieces that work.

Whether teaching beginners, intermediate, or advanced students, teachers know the pieces that work. At Sunrise Piano, we have our "tried and true" favorites chosen most often by teachers -- pieces that capture the interest of students and challenge them to practice harder. It was difficult to narrow the list down to ten, but ten is a good starting place so here goes!
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Yankee Doodle Fife and Drum (1 Piano Elementary Trio) Because, let's face it, 3 beginners fit on one bench perfectly.
Yankee Doodle Fife and Drum - Elementary Piano Sheet Music
This beginning ensemble is written for 1 piano and six hands, but can be played on three electric pianos instead, using the synthesized sounds to portray the fife and drum.

Etude in G Major (Late Elementary Solo) Introduces the "classical" style to beginners.
Etude in G Major - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music
This piece begins in G Major 5-finger position, moving to D Major in the middle section then back to G. It’s a good piece for students who are still working within 5-finger patterns.

Stars (Late Elementary) Beautiful, Lyrical.
Stars - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music
This piece with a quiet mood to it is written for the late elementary student. It begins in a high C position with the right hand and in middle C position with the left.

Humoresque (Early Intermediate) Teaches contrast between Major and minor sounds and patterns.
Humoresque - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
This humorous piece for the early intermediate student moves back and forth from a D Major hand position to a d minor pattern, with a few unexpected surprises in-between.

Wild Horse Canyon (Early Intermediate) Because it's fun.
Wild Horse Canyon - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
This fast piece in cut time is written in the key of E Minor. The easy right hand patterns create intense movement, evoking the image of wild horses galloping through a canyon.

Summer Surfin' Blues (Intermediate) Because it's also fun.
Summer Surfin’ Blues - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
This fun piece is written with a fast swing tempo in 4/4 time. In the key of C Major, it is easily accessible for students playing on a level 3.

Ecossaise by Beethoven (Intermediate with second piano part) For a new sound mingled with the old classic.
Ecossaise (2 Pianos, 4 Hands) - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
Beethoven’s familiar piano solo has been partnered with a second piano for fun and variety. The second part is keeping with the character of the original piece. It is suggested to play the first part through as a solo then adding the second piano for the duet.

Tuscan Toccatina (Intermediate) Fast and rewarding!
Tuscan Toccatina - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music
This piece in the key of A minor is fast, showy, and makes for a great performance piece for recitals and festivals.

Something Like a Star (Late Intermediate) Lyrically beautiful.
Something Like a Star Piano Sheet Music - Late Intermediate
This piece begins in 9/8 time, with lots of arpeggios intertwining around a melodic line. It later “slows” to a 3/4 meter, becoming more lyrical before returning to 9/8 to end. It’s a great etude for students on this level who want to use their arpeggio skills in a creative setting.

Puck by Grieg (Early Advanced Student Classic) Because all students coming into the advanced levels should know this piece.
Edvard Grieg - Puck - Piano Sheet Music
Edvard Grieg - Puck