Blessed Assurance - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This beautiful hymn tune by Phoebe Knapp has been arranged in 6/8 time in the key of D Major. It has a relaxed, flowing style that moves the melody forward in an expressive way.
Shepherd's Hey (Piano Duet) - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This lively duet is taken from a traditional English folk dance. Both parts are in D Major 5-finger pattern.
Be Thou My Vision - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music The melody of this piano solo is taken from an Irish Hymn Tune. Its simple, reverent setting makes it perfect for church meetings, offertories, preludes, and special musical numbers.
Oranges and Lemons - Late Elementary Piano Sheet Music This English folk song has been arranged in an A Major hand position for level 2 students. It changes to E Major position in the middle then returns to A Major at the end, with a short cross-hand part included.
Three American Folk Songs in Middle C - Elementary Piano Sheet Music These 3 pieces are all in Middle C position for beginning students. Teacher's parts are included for fun at the lesson or to make the pieces stand out in recital performances.
Gigue - Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This fast dance in a lively 6/8 meter is written in the key of D Major. It's almost like a dance for the hands too, once the fingers have been carefully choreographed into their precise patterns.
In a Dream - Early Intermediate Piano Sheet Music This slow, lyrical piece uses 5-finger patterns and some "extensions" of those patterns for students who are starting to read music outside of the beginning positions. Pedal markings are indicated, but are kept simple for this level of playing.